Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Brick Collectors Magazine Issue #1

There are many new things to report today!  First, I am pleased to announce the creation of The Brick Collectors Magazine!  It's designed specifically for LEGO families made up of adult & child builders.  There are features kids will enjoy, like the Model of the Month and a LEGO-themed word search.  Adults will enjoy revisiting old LEGO sets "In the Spotlight" and doing some creative LEGO crafting.  There's literally something for everyone in this magazine.

I've made the digital version of this issue free through my new website The Brick Collectors.  This was truly a labor of love and I hope you will enjoy it!  Please contact me with ideas or suggestions at  It would be great to get some feedback and would keep me inspired to get right to work on the next issue.

Please follow me over to my new home at  This blogger website will be discontinued in the near future, as there are many more features available on the new site, including a user-friendly forum.

LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this publication. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Toys R Us Cyber Sale - LEGO Friends - Update

There's a sale happening at the Toys R Us website today and tomorrow.  All LEGO Friends sets are 20% off.  Happy shopping!

Update - The prices showing up on the website are higher than they were this morning!  The Summer Riding Camp was $87 earlier and is now $99.  It really doesn't matter, as it isn't in stock, but this seems like typical Toys R Us.  Mark things up as soon as there's a sale.  The "sale" is still on.

If you are looking for the LEGO Friends City Park Cafe (3061), Kmart has it on clearance at their website.  Their online clearance usually goes quick, so act now!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Back to Building Buildings

I've found a bit of time to spend in the LEGO room lately, which has been a nice creative outlet.  I built a supermarket for LEGOGirl to play with, but I didn't take any pictures before she started playing with it.  Now it's in a constant state of messiness, but I do hope to straighten it up and post pictures of that.

Today I made a new modular building to add to the others we have.  I really love these buildings, and the Palace Cinema has got me thinking about them again.  I don't know what this building is that I created - I think maybe just boring old office space.  It has two parking spots in the front, which are hard to see from the pictures.

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