Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our LEGO Room, Part 3

This is the 3rd part in a four-part tour of our LEGO room.  If you missed the previous parts, you can find them here and here.

"Wall" #3 isn't really a wall.  It's a row of mismatched bookcases.  When we run out of room in the LEGO room, we move this wall back a few feet.

We've acquired these bookcases at different times from various places, mostly as hand-me-downs.  LEGOBoy loves Star Wars sets and hates to see any of them taken apart, so we needed a LOT of shelf space to keep them.  Someday when we finish the basement, we'll probably add shelving to the walls, but for now this is our solution.

After the last bookcase there's about 4 feet of space that allows access to the back part of the basement.

We also use the bookcases to hold our minifigures.  I have previously posted about how we store those.  If you missed it, you can read up on the wonders of the Scraponizers here.  They're sorted by theme and labeled so it's pretty easy to find what you're looking for.

Up on top of the bookcases there's just enough room to store LEGODad's Super Hero Statues, as well as some Hero Factory containers that I'm not sure why we're saving, but we are.

I do have to say that dusting off these shelves is a major pain, and doesn't get done as often as it should.  If anyone has any tips for keeping LEGOs dust-free, let me know!

That wraps up this installment.  One more wall to go!

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